Mount Vernon Students learn about how materials interact with the environment

What happens to material when it interacts with the environment? What happens once sunlight, wind and rain get a hold of a sandwich and its plastic wrapper?

This was the question that about 100 Mount Vernon 3rd and 4th graders explored in recent presentations. Understanding fundamentally how natural materials (AKA your leftover sandwich or applecore) dissolve or degrade in water. whereas the plastic wrapper will stay as it is……… thus creating a nightmare when it gets into the waterways.

Watching a video about animals ingesting plastics made them understand that this problem can only be solved by all of us.

We explored how every single person can make a difference, no one is too little to make a difference. These kids truly got it.

Leading by example in White Plains Schools

We Future Cycle is proud to be the Sustainability Coordinator for the White Plains school district. Teaching students to sort their waste into composting, recycling and trash reduces trash by a whopping 90+% but in order for students to learn and live what they learned, adults around them have to lead by example. White Plains custodial staff is truly stellar about supporting the recycling program and thus modeling every day for the kids what behavior is expected in the lunchroom.

This is a shout out for all of your fabulous custodians that make this program look easy!

Every Day Should be Earth Day

We are all busy, rushing from place to place, getting stuff done and keeping ahead of life, however, it feels good to take a step back and look at this most gorgeous place that we are allowed to live on. Earth! The planet of water, 3rd from the sun, with an atmosphere that allows to keep our oxygen and water in, and filters the worst of the sun rays to allow for life.

WeFutureCycle is proud to be part of the many different EarthDay celebrations that take place throughout Westchester County. We teach students how their small every day actions such as sorting their waste into the correct bin, can make a big difference.

Earth Day can be every day, simply by being mindful about how every small action can make a big impact. These kids surely got it.